Presented by The Westminster Players
Network Theatre, Waterloo 9 to 11 June 2010 7:30pm |
When friends reunite, it's not just the milk that turns sour
A new play by Howie Ripley and Andy Moseley Network Theatre, Waterloo 9 to 11 June 2010 7:30pm Mistaken for Strangers December 31st 1999 and the class of '89 are gathered for a reunion to celebrate their post-university lives and the end of the Millennium. At least, that was the plan. Most of them either can't be bothered, or have better things to do, leaving just a lecturer, a former welfare officer, the Bursar's wife, a handful of students, and a couple of people who weren't even at the University, to see in the new century in each other's company. Peter's Friends with acrimony and bile, and without Stephen Fry and Kenneth Branagh. 'A surreal spin on the university reunion concept. Highly entertaining and a promising writing debut' (we're not sure who she is either, but thanks for a great review!) Tickets Show's over Chopin! Three night run, three sell out shows! Thank you one and all for coming to the show. Mistaken for Strangers is available for amateur production. Applications for performance should be made to NoLogoProductions via the contact us page of this website or by e-mail to [email protected] Photos If you want to remind yourself of the play, here's some photos Cast List Click here for cast lists, biographies and more information about the play. |